Care & Counseling

Together in the Highs
and Lows

The blessings and burdens in our lives are meant to be shared. This page displays the full list of care and support resources available to our church family and neighbors, including weddings. All are welcome to join us as together, we pursue wholeness and healing in Christ. You are loved and you are not alone.

two people facing each other in a church with their heads bowed surrounded by others with their heads bowed

Pray with Us

Join us for Open Prayer in Memorial Chapel
Tuesdays, Noon – 1pm

Biblical Counseling

If you’re struggling, we want to be there for you, hear you and lead you towards the peace and freedom found only in Christ and His word. If you need a friend to help you find strength, hope and clarity on this journey, we will walk with you. Though marriage counseling is not offered in Side-by-Side counseling, we can refer you to our partners or one of our pastors.

Life, at times, feels incredibly difficult. We are here to say you don’t have to face these struggles alone. We have several support groups that offer you a safe place to land and seek hope and restoration in Jesus Christ.

Support Groups

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 (NIV)

Encourage and Serve: A Ministry for Widows & Widowers

Next meeting: June 9, immediately following 2nd Service in Dining Room @ The Chapel

Sundays are hard when you go home to an empty house. The loss of a spouse is a loss the entire body of Christ carries together, and one that significantly changes all areas of your schedule. The Care Department is interested in ministering to you as an individual and member of the body of Christ. This group meets both inside and outside of church, encouraging each other through both social gatherings and service opportunities.

Email our Care Department or call 330.315.5530 with questions or for more information.


Thursdays | 6:30 – 8pm | Sept. 12 – Dec. 12 | Meets in room 156

This support group is designed to be a place of help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. It is an opportunity to bring your unique grief — that only you and God know — into a shared community walking together unto hope.

In prayerful pursuit of that comfort, this support group progresses through GriefShare, a grief recovery program hosted by Nancy and David Guthrie, with video seminars led by various counselors including Michael Card, Dr. Larry Crabb, Joni Eareckson Tada, Elyse Fitzpatrick, Ruth Graham, Anne Graham Lotz, Dr. Paul David Tripp and others speaking from their own experiences of loss and grief.

Contact our Care Department with questions or for more information.

Register Here

When Relationships End

Thursdays | 6:30 – 8pm | Sept. 12 – Dec. 12 | Meets in room 155

This support group seeks to offer tangible steps and identifiable markers of grief and healing for the divorced, separated and brokenhearted. Small group support and discussion time provides the opportunity to listen to and share hope and strength, as you navigate through the confusion of loss and move forward in the plans God has for you.

In prayerful pursuit of that comfort, this support group progresses through DivorceCare, a divorce and separation recovery program hosted by Steve Grissom and Denise Jones, with video seminars led by various counselors including Sabrina Black, Elsa Kok Colopy, Dr. Craig Keener, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff, Dave Ramsey and others speaking from their own experiences of walking through ending relationships.

Contact our Care Department with questions or for more information.

Register Here

Creative Groups

Artisans in our church create a variety of hand-crafted items to demonstrate Christ’s love to others in tangible ways. Consider joining one of the groups listed below!

  • Card Makers Ministry

    Meets in room 155 on the last Friday of every month from 3:30 – 8:00pm.

    Drop in and stay as you can to make cards for all seasons to share with those who are homebound or in nursing care.

  • Cords of Thread

    Meets in Room 156 on the 1st and 3rd week of every month on Wednesdays from 12 – 4:30pm.

    Cords of Thread makes lap quilts to serve those in our congregation who are hospitalized, shut-in, having new babies, etc.

  • Knitting Knights

    Meets in Room 158 on the second Tuesday of every month from 5 – 6:30pm.

    Drop in and learn to knit or crochet and help provide for those in need in Akron. The Knitting Knights makes warm wearables to donate to local organizations to support children in our city.

For couples desiring to be married at The Chapel, or offsite by a Chapel pastor, completing pre-marital counseling first is a requirement. Fill out the Wedding Interest Form to get started. Please note, the use of the Memorial Chapel for a wedding is reserved for members or regular attenders of The Chapel, and the wedding must be officiated by a Chapel pastor.

After completing the Wedding Interest Form below, our Care Department will contact you regarding the next steps.

For questions, contact .
